VSS 024 - Letters and Papers

Letters and Papers


Very Short Story (VSS) 024


Corporate life is very stressful and the annual vacation is a much sought after time … to relax and cool off. But this year is different. With down-sizing and cost-cutting news in the air; no one dare take a leave.

The moment your boss realizes that the organization can survive without your presence, even for a single day; you go from indispensable to ‘dispensed’.

I gave my whole and soul to the job. Worked hard, slogged nights. Missed birthdays, anniversaries and kid’s performance in school.

It paid off.

Got my Promotion letter today.
Also the divorce papers too.


The 'ing ong' series discontinued since I ran out of words. if you can think of any, feel free to suggest. I might pick them up for a future story. 

In this story, I take a serious turn, touching upon the elusive work-life balance and strenuous demands of work life.

Quick Note: Very Short Stories are max. 99 word stories that i am writing, as part of my writing resolutions for 2017. My target is to write at least 50 VSS this year - about 12-13 every quarter. Currently I am behind my target but quickly catching up :-)


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