Deep Sleep in 5 minutes
There is a video on Youtube titled Deep sleep in 5 minutes. The video duration is 3h21m49s ... I wonder why?
There is yet another video on Youtube titled Deep sleep in "less than 5 minutes". This video duration is 5h19m47s ... I wonder why?
How many times in our lives do we see things that claim one thing but are designed to the other?
From the corporate world, the "Can we have a quick call" comes to my mind which somehow extends to 30-40 minutes and rarely is quick enough.
What examples have you seen around - in personal as well as professional life? I am intrigued by this and would love to know more examples.
As individuals trying to take charge in our personal lives and as managers/leaders in charge of teams/organizations, it would be worthwhile to observe and pick out sich #quickcall examples and do something about it. They waste time, effort, resources etc. Getting them out of the way will help conserve energy and focus on what really matters.
The #quickcheck or #quickglance on the social media channels goes into endless scrolling and before you realise it, 30-40 minutes go by ... time wasted and nothing gained. Not even entertainment at times.
#quickcall #selfgrowth #lifecoaching #teamcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #coaching #businesscoaching #businessconsulting
Hi, I am Hemant Jain - a Life Coach, a Business Growth Coach, a Team Coach and a Job Interview Coach. I am also an Amazon Best Seller Author, Keynote Speaker, Behavioral / Soft Skills Trainer and Change Mgmt Consultant with 20 years of experience in multiple countries and industries. I work with middle and senior management professionals as well as business owners; who find themselves stuck within glass walls and glass ceiling – unable to move themselves and/or their business either vertically or horizontally. Hemant helps them unblock themselves to go higher and further in life, career and business.
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