Job Interviews - Who is selecting whom?
As a coach, I have the most interesting conversations with people. Love the look on their face when people get a breakthrough and have an 'aha' moment.
Ms. X - So you help people get a job?
Me: Not at all. I only help them crack the job interviews.
Ms. X - Isn't that the same thing?
Me: Not at all. Sometimes, you crack the interview and decide not to convert it into a job offer.
Ms. X - How does that work?
Me: You, the candidate, are not the only one being evaluated by the Interviewer during the interview. You are also evaluting the job and the organization. While going through the interview, you might decide that you don't want this job. And decide to take the foot off the pedal or hit the brakes all together on the interview.
Ms. X - Never thought about that. Never saw the interview with that perspective.
Me: Have you been in a job you began to hate from the very first month?
Ms. X - YES!!
Me: Chances are, you knew that would happen during the interview itself, but still decided to 'crack the interview, get the offer, take the job' !! Isn't it?
Ms X - well ...
Me: Relax. Not judging you. JustSaying
I am Success Coach Hemant Jain,
success in Job Interviews included :)
I help mid and senior management professionals
crack job interviews and get the job they deserve.
I help ambitious individuals put their best foot forward
and tell their story designed for the specific job interview.
It's an intensive process and you come out not only super confident
about cracking interviews but also knowing much more about
yourself and what you want to do with your career path !!
I am a coach after all, people discover themselves while engaging with me.
JobInterviewCoaching SuccessCoach CoachHemant
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