The Bright & Dark Colors of Life
#Holi - a festival and celebration of #COLORS . A day around which friends, families and colleagues come together and play with colours. "Paint the Town Red" is taken quite literally around Holi and all the colours are included. A festival of pure love and fun. And like all things human, we end up messing it up. Some mischievous individuals will have a very different definition of this fun. Fun for them but pain for others. Forcing people to play. Grabbing and Groping strangers. Harming animals with the colours and pranking them. Using bad quality colours which harm the skin/eyes. These few individuals turn a fun festival into a scare. Some bad experiences will scar individuals for life. And they will never indulge in Holi again. Especially Women. They might even develop permanent psychological disorders. So much for the temporary entertainment of a few bad people. Now let's change the setting. T...