Overconfidence BEFORE the interview Leads to Failure IN the Interview
Over the years, in my job interview coaching experience and interacting with senior leaders giving as well as taking interviews, the one thing that has stood out as a crucial defining factor for ‘failures’ in job interviews was OVER-CONFIDENCE and that too BEFORE the interview. And unfortunately, the ones with experience (more than 5 years) are the ones who fall for it. And as the experience increases, greater the over-confidence until they attain nirvana (enlightenment, often resulting from a failed interview). We are not talking about the over-confidence shown by some candidates during the interview. Most interviewers find it very annoying and they want to get over with the interview as soon as possible in that case. What we are talking about is the over-confidence BEFORE the interview. The over confidence that one can walk into a job interview WITHOUT preparation. After all, you know yourself and your work experience. So whats there to prepare? Right?...