Keyboard Trouble - Double Trouble
"Dop yopui iunderstand what thius liune ius saying top yopui?" Confused about what language this is? Well … this is English … but with a slight technological twist. My office laptop keyboard has developed a technical snag/glitch and a couple of its keys. They produce 2 characters instead of 1. When I press 'I' key, I get 'iu' When I press 'u' key, I get 'iu' When I press 'o' key, I get 'op' When I press 'p' key, I get 'op' When I press '-' key, I get ';-' When I press ';' key, I get ';-' and a few more cases like this ... Typing has become a nightmare ever since this problem cropped up. I spend more time correcting the double-trouble than i spend in typing them in the first place. This is much worse than the simple 'y' and 'z' key interchange I had in Switzerland office PC keyboard. Since the troubled keys have 3 vowels in there, the problem is much...