3 Quotes connected by a law of nature that we always ignore


"There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery" ~ Enrico Fermi. 

While I have always believed that there are no failures and we always have learnings from our failings ... this is a different spin and a new perspective to 'failure'. 

This extends the idea of learning from so-called failure and takes it into the realm of 'success in learning something conclusive' 

When you experiment to try and make something work, 

if it works, you achieve the objective of learning that it works. 

if it doesn't work, you achieve the objective of learning that it doesn't works. 

And that brings us to the famous Thomas Edison's quote, 

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" 

When you have that attitude towards your efforts, 

both, success and failure, don't affect you significantly. 

You take both in your stride and focus on your efforts and learning. 

And that brings us to the famous (but often misquoted) quote from the Mahabharata. 

Perform your duties without desiring the fruits of your actions. 

(Note: this is also NOT an accurate translation but you get the gist) 

The 3 quotes approach a common thought, 

a common philosophy from different angles. 

They apply to all the different areas of our lives, 

Work, Relationships, Wealth, Health ... everything. 

#CoachHemant #NoFailures #Karma #Focus #GrowthMindset 


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