Recognized by TIME Magazine amongst 'The 100 Most Influential People in the World'

Recognized by TIME Magazine amongst 'The 100 Most Influential People in the World'  

If that were to happen to you, wouldn't that be absolutely supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ... !! 

It would be advantageous, ambitious, and very very prestigious. 

Do you have a dream of something like that?

What is your first step/stage in that journey? 

The keyword in that title is 'influential' ... 

We live in the era of 'influencers' - every other person is an influencer in this era of social media 

The key is to get your fix on what you are going to influence about.

What is your superpower? 

And frankly, it could be anything ... from world hunger & world peace to economics to banking & finance to personal branding to health & nutrition to logistics and supply chain ... there is no dearth of areas / subjects / topics / global issues / humanitarian considerations that you could pick and choose to begin influencing. 

Just think about the subject that you are passionate about and start influencing. 

Start with 1, expand to 10, and then to 100 and then 1000 ... 

Start in your conversations, take it to your friends/colleagues circle, extend the reach using your social media ... 

Get your message across to people, enhance your message, make your message better and hard-hitting and impactful ... take the stage and deliver your message ...

Take up opportunities to speak about them in public forums, and create your own opportunities to share your message ... 

Your circle of influence will increase as more and more people interested in that subject connect with you. 

10 ... 100 ... 1000 ... 10,000 ... 100,000 ... 1,000,000 ....

its a step-by-step process, it will take time and patience ... 

Aim for the stars, even if you miss, you will land on the Moon !! 

Pic Courtesy: Wifey clicked this one at the 3D World Museum in Dubai :) It's a fun place 

So what do you plan to influence people about ... do share in comments and announce it to the world.

My area of influence is going to be 'Take Charge" of Your Life

And over the next 3 days, I am going to take to the stage ... and influence people to take charge. (you know it, I love the stage).

#influence #takecharge #coaching #keynoteSpeaker


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