My kids are learning and living stuff that I learnt when I was over 25
While the term VUCA is pretty old in management circles, I was introduced to it for the first time back in 2012 when I joined KPMG. Since then, the BANIs and other acronyms have tried to create their own space yet VUCA is still strong and comprehensive in its own way. Today morning, I saw the mention of VUCA on the concluding slide of a PPT template that has been provided by the school to my daughter (4th grade) ... Similarly, sustainability as an important everyday concept came to my life when I was in college and DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, Equality/Equity) are concepts that I started to read about only several years into my career. And my kids are already talking about these .. (and my junior is in Kindergarten). The kids have a basic grasp of DIE and have a decent understanding of sustainability... Education is constantly evolving and the kids today are learning more and much faster than we did in our time. The teaching methods evolving, the syllabus evolving, the focus on practic...