Why do I Blog ??

Frankly speaking ... I dont know ...

I was bitten by the Blog Bug way bak in NITIE ... its pretty infectious ... Blogging was getting popular at NITIE in those days and i got to know about it from Nikhil ... and I started off a journey ...

It has been a pleasurable journey ... with some very regular posts as well as some large breaks ...

Off late .. I have wanted to blog but time and will-power were simply not enough ...

And a question struck me ... Why do I blog ??

And franly speaking ... I dont know ...

Why does blogging go down in the list of priorities in life ... my life at least ... why do other things supercede and blogging is what gets affected most ...

why is that I have some 8-10 blogpost themes in my mind and I have made none ...

why ? why ?? why ???

I will have to find out ...

B'coz if i dont ... i will probably stop blogging ...

I am not comfortable in doing something unless i believe in it ...

Its not that I have been blogging for the past 2-3 years without any purpose or without understanding why I have been blogging ....

Its just that times have changed ... priorities in life have changed ... the time I have in hand had shrunk to miniscule amounts ...

In the new context and the new situation ... Blogging is not one of my priorities ...

I need to either convinve myself about my blogging needs or else .. .. .

Hope to get my clarity on this soon ...


  1. you blog because you want to be heards... err in this case read!

    in most cases, we need someone to share our ideas, thoughts, views... and when that someone worth talking to is not around ... you blog! (though our laziness delays the post... blog is already there in our minds)... let me know if i strayed ....


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