Read a nice quote today ... Rich and poor are first created in the mind. A poor man asks, "How much will it COST me?" A rich man asks, "How much will it MAKE me?" As soon as i read the quote, something happened. Not somethig new ... something which often happens to me .. inside me ... The entrepreneur , the business inside me starting a dialogue with the salaried me once again ... trying to convince him that he was on the wrong track ... Interesting they are ... both are a part of me ... yet they think so differently ... both have different priorities and different value systems ... sometimes its difficult to manage both of them ... One uses his brains and takes logical and somewhat selfish (or more specifically self-centred) decisions. Its concern is My Success, My wealth, My future, My comfort, My contribution to the world (mind you .. intentions are all good ... but the focus is me ) .... Its more spontaneous ... Other is more heart oriented ... considers feelin...