To Be or Not To Be
The Spoken Language is an Ocean of Communication The meaning of the sentence can be completely changed when emphasizing one word over another. You can emphasise a word by: - Stretching out the vowel sound. - Pronouncing one syllable louder than the other syllables. - Pausing after the word that is being emphasized is spoken. - By making air quotes with your hand while saying that word. - Speaking slower when saying the word you want to emphasize. Let's take this classic example (emphasizing the word within 'quotes') I never said she stole my money. This sentence takes on a new meaning depending on which word you emphasize. 'I' never said she stole my money. (But someone else said so.) I 'never' said she stole my money. (Never, ever.) I never 'said' she stole my money. (But it was implied.) I never said 'she' stole my money. (Someone else stole it.) I never said she 'stole' my money. (I gave it to her voluntarily.) I never said s...