80 Ways to Celebrate WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY
A Adopt a ‘green’ way of life Art made of recycled materials Auctions to benefit an environmental project Award presentations for environmental competitionsAwareness campaigns B Bicycle parades/races Broadcast of public service announcements (TV and Radio) Buy a fuel-efficient car C Calculate your carbon footprint Carpools Celebrity support Clean-up campaigns Competitions (banner, drawing, essay, painting, poster, poetry) Conferences on the environment D Debates on environment issues Dedicate your blog to World Environment Day on 5 June Distribute leaflets, brochures and posters Donate to an environmental cause E Environmental education programs in schools Excursions to nature sites Exhibitions (drawings, posters, photos, paintings) F Fairs Festivals Film festivals on the environment G Give a gift membership of an environmental organization Guidelines to community-based environmental activities H Hoist banners at major road intersections Help local environmental groups organize WED eve...