Women still face numerous Challenges in the Workplace

Women still face numerous Challenges in the Workplace. The playing field is still not level. One of the biggest challenges women face in the workplace isn’t just the glass ceiling—it’s the invisible walls that restrict access to opportunities, decision-making spaces, and career-defining moments. 🔹 The Unconscious Bias – Assumptions about their leadership styles, competence, career ambitions, employment continuity etc still shape hiring, promotions, and assignment of high-impact projects/roles. 🔹 The Networking Gap – Key decisions happen in rooms where women are often underrepresented. If you’re not in the right circles, you’re missing out on influence and advocacy. And the access to those right circles is also often limited. 🔹 The Double Standard Dilemma – Assertiveness in men is seen as leadership. In women? Often misinterpreted as aggression or being “too much.”. But if they are not assertive enough, then they are not fit for leadership either. It's like a chicken and...