The term 'rejection email' is factually incorrect and just wrong


The term 'rejection email' is factually incorrect and just wrong. 

We humans want to take shortcuts in language and for want of a better word, we compromise on 'nearest fit' sacrificing meaning and impact. 

The email that informs that a candidate has not been selected got termed as a 'rejection' email for the economy of words without consideration of how people view 'rejection' 

Even if the email does not use the word 'reject/rejection'; the norm of the email being called a 'rejection email' strikes immediately when the email appears. 

A series of back to back 'rejection emails' will also lead to 'Learned Helplessness' (search for it on Youtube and watch the short 5 min video of a class teacher inducing helplessness in students in a matter of minutes) 

Using the right word is important. Words are Powerful and Potent.  

I coach mid and senior management professionals and my advice is simple ... Don't Be Yourself.

They don't want who you are. They don't want who you were. So using only on your past achievements to build your professional image does not work. 

They want the person you can potentially become. Be the best fit for the role they have, the one you are interviewing for. AND become the professional who will play a role in the organization's future.  

At the same time, do not present a person who does not exist. Do not lie. Do not try to fit into an imaginary mould from their perspective. 

Be the Future You!

#CoachHemant #LeadershipDevelopment #CareerGrowth #CrackingInterviews 


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