Leave the Table when Respect is no longer being served

You must find the courage to leave the table when respect is no longer being served Disrespect hurts, but it doesn’t define your ultimate self-worth. More than anything else, its Disrespect at Work that creates a very Toxic Workplace So here are some insights to turn disrespect into a source of strength 1 - Disrespect reflects the other person. It's often about their insecurities, not your value. 2 - Composure is your superpower. Stay calm, don't let disrespect shake your confidence. 3 - Set boundaries. Clearly communicate what’s acceptable behavior. 4 - Self-respect is your shield. When you know your worth, disrespect can't break you. 5 - Stand up for yourself. Assertively address disrespect when necessary. 6 - Empathy diffuses tension. Try to understand the root of disrespect. 7 - Choose your battles wisely. Not all disrespect...