
Showing posts from October, 2024

Cracking Job Interviews is not something that you leave to chance

  As a Coach, I have the most interesting conversations with people. Love the look on their face when people get a breakthrough and have an 'aha' moment.  Ms. X - So you help people get a job?  Me: Not at all. I only help them crack the job interviews.  Ms. X - Isn't that the same thing?  Me: Not at all. Sometimes, you crack the interview and decide not to convert it into a job offer.  Ms. X - How does that work?  Me: You, the candidate, are not the only one being evaluated by the Interviewer during the interview. You are also evaluating the job and the organization. While going through the interview, you might decide that you don't want this job. And decide to take the foot off the pedal or hit the brakes all together on the interview.  Ms. X - Never thought about that. Never saw the interview with that perspective.  Me: Have you been in a job you began to hate from the very first month?  Ms. X - YES!!  Me: Chances are, you knew that would happen during the interview i

The Light at the end of the Tunnel

  # SundayFunday : The Light at the end of the Tunnel is actually an incoming Train. Get out of the way. This also reminds me of a similar one during COVID times: The Light at the End of the Tunnel has been switched off due to cost-cutting so BYOL (Bring Your Own Light). hashtag # CoachHemant Did you checkout out my AI Twin at the end of the ChatGPT Tunnel :)

The Myth of Flex-Work and Work-Life Balance

  The Myth of Flex-Work and Work-Life Balance  This conversation is a quick dip into a comparison between 9to5 Job v/s Flexible Working Hours AND Work-Life Balance v/s Work-Life Integration  The traditional 9 to 5 job meant you worked during those hours and then focused on your personal life after work. Rarely you carried work home. There were no emails, no laptops, no computers ... so work remained in office. Work and Life balance was automatic barring some occasions of urgency. Blissful. However, with the advent of laptops, mobiles, and other devices, work started seeping into our evenings and weekends, blurring the once-clear boundaries between work and personal time. In response, many organizations introduced flexible working hours, allowing employees to work at times that suited them. Initially, this flexibility seemed like a perfect solution, offering the convenience of working anytime and the freedom to choose start and end times.  But this erosion of the 9 to 5 boundary meant t

3 Quotes connected by a law of nature that we always ignore

  "There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery" ~ Enrico Fermi.  While I have always believed that there are no failures and we always have learnings from our failings ... this is a different spin and a new perspective to 'failure'.  This extends the idea of learning from so-called failure and takes it into the realm of 'success in learning something conclusive'  When you experiment to try and make something work,  if it works, you achieve the objective of learning that it works.  if it doesn't work, you achieve the objective of learning that it doesn't works.  And that brings us to the famous Thomas Edison's quote,  “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"  When you have that attitude towards your efforts,  both, success and failure, don't affect you significantly.  Y