20 Classic Myths about Life and Career Transformation


20 Classic Myths about Life and Career Transformation

1. It's Too Late to Change
2. Success Means No Need for Change
3. Change Equals Failure
4. One Size Fits All
5. It’s All About Skills
6. Change Must Be Radical
7. It Requires Too Much Time
8. I Need a Perfect Plan
9. Change Is a Solo Journey
10. Transformation Equals Constant Reinvention
11. Personal and Professional Lives Are Separate
12. You Must Leave Your Job to Transform
13. It's All About External Factors
14. Transformation Requires a Crisis
15. Networking Is Secondary
16. Coaching Is Only for Underperformers
17. Change Should Be Pain-Free
18. You Must Have All the Answers
19. Transformation Is Linear
20. I can do it all by myself

With so many myths surrounding
personal transformation, no wonder
people get overwhelmed and give up on
their own transformation in most instances.

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