The success of a Leader is in their Redundancy

 The success of a Leader is in their Redundancy.

Shocked to hear that? read on …

"The success of Change Management is in its Invisibility"

That's what the client Project Director said to me
on my first consulting project as a Change Manager.
Took some time to understand but when I did,
it became a foundational principle for me in my field.

Years later when I started coaching
mid and senior management professionals,
I could translate the above principle from the
perspective of managing teams & managing people.

"The success of a manager is when the team no longer needs them"


Earlier today, someone posted about how his
team delivered an exceptional project in his absence.
I am sure many Managers/Leaders might have experienced
such incidents of superlative performance without their presence.

While the capability of the Team is definitely important,
the Manager's contribution cannot be disregarded either.
It takes time and effort in the right direction along with
empowerment and positive organisational culture
to bring about a state where teams can operate
and deliver exceptionally well autonomously.

I also say something similar to Business Owners
when I am coaching SME Biz Owners for business Growth.
"Your Success is when you are free from running your Business"
For them, the key is to be free from running the existing business,
so that they can start a new one or focus on the exponential growth
while the team is taking care of running and sustaining the linear growth.

BUT, as a Manager, are you Courageous enough to reach the state
where you are 'redundant' and 'no longer needed for the team'
for day-to-day operations and executing delegated tasks.

It's only with that kind of courage that you can reach that state
This frees up your time to focus on bigger things.
That's what will bring about your Growth.

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