The Journey from Impossible to Improbable to Inevitable


"So many of our dreams at first seem IMPOSSIBLE,

Then they seem IMPROBABLE

And then, when we summon the WILL,

they soon become INEVITABLE

- From Still Me: Autobiography of Christopher Reeve

I came across this quote yesterday evening in one of the business coaching workbooks of The Alpha Group. It is something we take Business Owners and CXOs through when they join the Alpha Board to take their business to the next level.

The journey from Impossible to Improbable to Inevitable is something that most individuals go through ... a job seeker, a senior manager, a CXO, a Business Owner.

When they first face their challenge, they can suddenly be impacted by a mix of fear, self-doubt and even imposter syndrome; making the task ahead seem Impossible.

As they gather their wits and begin to draw from the wisdom of their friends, colleagues, managers, mentors, coaches, etc. . . the task loses the impossible task and just becomes Improbable. Improbable yet because the self-doubt is still there. You now realize it can be done but aren't confident about yourself doing it.

As the mentoring and coaching and motivation increases and You summon your own WILL to get it done ... the improbable dissolves and the INEVITABLE begins to take shape.

This journey is albeit a long one and requires a massive mental shift ... a sheer paradigm shift, if I may say.

The Hero's Journey is about this huge Paradigm Shift from Impossible to Inevitable.

My question for You today is ... On this transformative journey from Impossible (0) to Inevitable (100); where do you find yourself?

This question is for each one of You reading this ... a student, a freelancer, a solopreneur, a job seeker, an executive, a middle or senior manager, a CXO, or a Business Owner.

Where are you on that transformative evolutionary journey? Give me YOUR number.

#transformation #journey #businessowners #toplevel


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