Book Review: Bootstrapping with a Paycheck: Entrepreneur Journeys by Sramana Mitra



Book: Bootstrapping With A Paycheck: Entrepreneur Journeys

Author: Sramana Mitra

No. of Pages: 207

Genre: Non Fiction, Business Gyan for Entrepreneurs   

Publisher: Self Published


Sramana Mitra interviews founders who started their company or product development while still holding onto a full-time job (albeit after clearing it from employer and ensuring that there was no conflict of interest).

It is interesting to read about the entrepreneurs who funded their business dreams with their own paychecks and their struggles as well as jubilations. Most important, the book reminds the reader again and again that "bootstrapping with a paycheck" is not only possible but you can actually end up building a very large business starting like that. Nothing to stop you from doing that.

At the same time, its going to be a bed of thorny roses and a very rough ride. There will be failures and times when your entire initial effort is rejected by your prospective clients (and you begin to question your own sanity) and you have to toss out all your initial work out of the window. There are times when you are cash strapped and everyone around you is enjoying the perks of high-paying jobs and questioning your stubbornness (and your sanity).

The book paints a realistic picture of success. On the whole, a very encouraging book for any entrepreneur who is struggling to 'kick off' and is torn between the decision of keeping or kicking his current full time paying job to start off the entrepreneurial journey


Ratings on Book Review Parameters:
Usual parameters don't apply for this non-fictions work

Overall:           3.0 / 5   


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