Book Review: 1,000 Awesome Writing Prompts by Ryan Andrew Kinder
Book: 1,000 Awesome Writing Prompts
Author: Ryan Andrew Kinder
No. of Pages: 111
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Self Published using Amazon Digital Services
A really nice book for all those who were lazy to write (but wanted to write) and their excuse for not writing was a lack of inspiration for a plot idea. The book is even good for that amateur who wants to start writing but facing 'start-up' issues.
This book gives you a thousand (quite literally) prompts .. which can act as a plot line or a starting point for a short or a long story. You could potentially write extremely short flash-fiction, a short story, a novella or even a full length novel using those ideas.
At the beginning, the book is not event trying to make you write a story … it simply gives you a nudge – a thought on which to write a few lines and paragraphs. Then it gives you an idea to expand with varied constraints of time as well as word limit (from 55 words to 5500 words)
You can basically start small and go large at your own pace ...
Now you cant complain that you are not able to identify a nice plot line or line of thought to write with ...
Ratings on Book Review Parameters: Usual parameters don't apply for this non-fiction work
Overall: 3.5 / 5
Prompts or so important to get started on a story or an article, and they do help.