I love Political Celebrity Visits ...

Yes ... I love Political Celebrity Visits ...
Whether it is our own Prime Minister or President or President Obama or President Clinton or for that matter any high profile political individual whose visit calls for heavy bandobast and a slew of clean-up and beautification activities around their visit ...
Yes ... They create a traffucked situation and you got to wait endlessly for them to pass if you are to cross their path ...
Yes ... It is often seen and perceived that nothing is actually achieved by their visits ...
Yes ... In general. these visits cause a lot of trouble and pain to the aam junta during their visits ...
But look at the bright side ... (be positive)
Roads which they will take are repaired and made crater-free
Roadsides are cleaned up and all markings are re-colored
There is heavy bandobast of policemen so crime is controlled for the few days
Beautification projects idling for long (and almost forgotten) are revived and completed in a hurry
Even the Green Quotient of the roads (they take) goes up a bit ...
So many advantages ... against a few minor temporary disadvantages ...
Not bad at all I would say ... "Kuch paane ke liye kuch khona bhi to padta hain"
I would suggest that high profile political celebrities should visit our city once every quarter and for security reasons have their meetings in different parts of the city everytime and they should always take a previously unused road / route to the previously unused place. This will do wonders for their image and of course, the city too.
President Patil's visit to Mumbai this week and President Obama's visit next week ... Its like Diwali Cleaning going on, not just in the house but in the city as well ...


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