Books I read in June ...

A good month as far as reading is concerned. In fact, it was excellent.

First of all, I completed the books started in April-May …. All 3 of them.


1. P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern


An absolute emotional roller coaster which sent the tears flowing and overflowing. This is the second book by Cecelia that I am reading and she has done this again to me (the tears overflow while reading fiction thing). This story is about a girl who loses her husband and finds herself unable to cope up. Her husband literally helps her cope and move on. A series of letters written by the husband before he died serve as the guiding lights for the girl.


If you have loved someone or lost someone you loved; you gotta read this one. Or see the movie (which I haven't seen yet)


2. Atlantis by David Gibbins


Wont say much about it. It was an interesting read but I would probably think twice before picking up another one by same author.


3. Divine by Mistake by P C Cast


An interesting plot where a girl finds herself become a 'goddess' by mistake / by chance ... she goes through the various stages of a change ... denial, acceptance, exploration and enjoyment ... the novel was an interesting read ... This book is part of a series and I look forward to read the sequels ..

 Beside completing the 3 books above, I also started and completed the following in June ….


4. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 


An amazing read. Even after watching the movie, the book was a very nice read. Unlike so many other novel-made-into-movies, the movie in this case was pretty close to the book. It was almost like watching the movie scene by scene while reading. Only the fun was more J It's a hilarious read and a definite stress buster (that's what my friend calls this book)


5. Six Sacred Stones by Matthew Reilly


Completed this in 4 days flat while travelling in train & car and resting in Rajasthan and Gujarat during my one week trip. High octane action packed thrillers (especially the ones by MR) don't really take too much time to read since they are simply unputdownables! Six is sequel to Seven which I read earlier this year. Jack West Jr. is the protagonist in this series.


Jack West Jr. is a combination of Indiana Jones, Robert Langdon, and Jason Bourne – with the right mix of ancient stuff knowledge, adventure and high-octane action. Jack is virtually indestructible (as is evident from the numerous sequences where MR put him through near-death and sure-death situations) and is surrounded by an international cast of characters who continue to fight against some real evil villains, one of whom is Jack's own father.


The pace of these novels is extremely fast and lessons in history and geography woven into the fabric of the story. MR uses technological advances like gull wings which allow Jack to fly thru the air and warblers which divert bullets even at close range.


One of the most attractive and interesting features of Matthew Reilly books in this series are the illustrations which help the reader visualize exactly what obstacles Jack and his crew need  to overcome. I wouldn't have enjoyed the books as much as I did without the illustrations.


 6. Five Great Warriors by Matthew Reilly


Started this one in June but finished it off on July 1st. It took about 4-5 days to complete the book I couldn't even wait for 2-3 days to begin the book in July since this is like a sequel to MR's Six Sacred Stones and a continuation of the same story/plot. I just couldn't wait to read on ….


The book begins with how the protagonist Jack West Jr. escapes a sure-death incident which was the concluding point in Six Sacred Stones and continues right from the beginning with impossible escapes and high octane action.  This sure-death sequence at the end of "Six…" was yet another reason I couldn't wait to start this book.


The book was good but still disappointed. The story went way too fast. MR made Jack West Jr and his team go through too many things, 4 Vertices and 4 Pillars along with some other things and New Villains … too much for a single book. Result: he just sped through everything. The charm of MR books, especially the Jack West Jr series is the grandeur and the amazing action attached to the grandeur. The plot had the potential but it seems there were external pressures on MR and he (unfortunately) succumbed to it L


After an abysmal month of May (as far as reading is concerned and not otherwise) … June with 6 completed books feels good. Really very good and satisfying. A lot of travelling helped and so did the time spent waiting in queue outside Passport office etc and at railway station and airport etc.


  1. SUrprisingly.....I havent read any of these....but have watched P.S I love you and it was a pretty good movie.....

    Btw I am trying to read up, 'The Audacity of hope' the US President - Barack Obama....! He surely had an interesting journey


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