Books I read in March ...

Well ... March ended and here is my reading list for the month gone by ...
1. Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup

Murder Mystery with 6 suspects... i liked the way the 6 suspects were introduced ...  The book almost runs along 6 parallel tracks untill it culminates in the actual murder where all the 6 suspects are present at same place ...

It was also interesting to see how the lives of some of these suspects gets connected in those few hours

Liked the twists and turns in the story at the end when the murder conviction shifts from one suspect to another and so on ...

Its actually nice movie material and a relative of mine who is an Assitant Director in movies (and a budding Director) tells me that a movie is being planned on it already ... would love to see it when it happens !!

2. Area 7 by Matthew Reilly

Yet another fast paced action thriller from M. Reilly. I read it in less than a week ... covering about 100-150 pages every night .. at times reading till 2.30 AM into the night. I love this Guy !! 

3. Short Stories by Matthew Reilly
My friend shared some (8) Short Stories by Matthew Reilly ... I liked them too ...   Equally fast paced and a nice twist in the end ... Action and Thrill is MR's forte ...
1. Complex 13
2. A Bad Day at Fort Bragg
3. The Mine
4. Time Tours
5. The Rock Princess & The Thriller Writer
6. The Dead Prince
7. Altitude Rush
8. Rewind ( a screenplay for a short film )
April has begun and i am NOT supposed to touch another fiction book unless i review my Friends book .... reviewing a book for grammatical errors and content can actually be a very boring task (and now she is gonna kill me for writing THIS) :)


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