Jackie Chan and ME :)

I have never been so much excited about meeting or seeing Bollywood stars (except for may be the first time I saw them). But this time it was different. JACKIE CHAN.

For me, he is not just a Filmstar …. He is a master entertainer and a great performer. He has been entertaining me (and of course, the world) ever since my childhood and I am all for a Jackie Chan movie even today.

When I read about Jackie visiting Kuala Lumpur to inaugurate his signature Café, I had a faint desire to take a chance and see him in person. Read more about his Kuala Lumpur visit and his café at this link …



As the day approached, the feeble desire was gathering momentum, bouncing on the insides of my mind. I finally declared to my wife that we will take our chances. The idea was simple. We go to the café opening function. We participate in the Buddy Bear Painting competition (You can read about it at above link). And hope to win the prize (my wife that is, I knew that there was no hope of my winning as I have already failed in ART subject in my school days). Winning the prize would mean receiving the prize from Jackie himself.

So with this plan of action and high hopes in the heart, we set out today morning. At arounf 11 am, we reached the Starhill Gallery at Bukit Bintang where the Jackie Chan Café is located on the top floor. We filled up our forms, made the donations and started painting the buddy bear. Jackie was expected to arrive at 1 so we spent our time till then beautifying the bear.

The painting competition closed at 1. Then began the long wait for Jackie in the crowd of spectators and media people which ended at about 2 PM when Jackie Chan finally arrived.

It was an undreamt dream come true

After the opening speech by Tan Sri Dr Francis Yeoh, Group Managing Director of YTL Corporation and a close friend of Jackie Chan; Jackie announced the opening of the café formally by drumming on a traditional Chinese drum. I must say … he is a good drummer too J

He then made the first cup of coffee at his café and the first customer was Francis Yeoh himself. He then came back to the podium to distribute the prizes. Francis and Jackie also announced that money collected through the Buddy Bear Painting competition will be matched 1:1 by both of them; in effect TRIPLING the amount.

Well, neither of us won the prize, but one thing did happen.

Our paintings got selected in the Top 50. Well, what that meant was that we both won a 50 RM Cash Voucher each top be used at Jackie Chan Café and more importantly our paintings had a chance to be put up on the Hall of Fame at the Muse Floor at Starhill gallery where the café is located.

So at the end of the day, I had seen Jackie Chan at close quarters (at a distance of 1 feet I would say, so close that I actually touched his hand in a half handshake) and returned home with 9 chocolate cakes from his café

What a day !!


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