Arbit Wins Manthan Award !!

Hi All,

I would like to announce with great pleasure that Arbit Choudhury has been awarded the prestigious Manthan Award under the e-Entertainment category, for its contribution to developing the concept of micro-distribution. The Manthan Award is an initiative by Digital Empowerment Foundation , India as the National initiative of World Summit Award, to select and promote the best practices in e-Content and Creativity in India.

As the Award Jury put it – “Comic characters and ICT [Information Communication Technologies] offer immense possibilities for communicating serious thoughts quickly and to a large audience and in an interactive mode. [Others] could adopt Arbit's strategy of micro-distribution over a large geographical area to reach the target audience.”

Check out the Manthan Award website for more details ...

About Arbit Choudhury's Manthan Award ...

We (Shubham, Nikhil and Myself) would like to extend our heart-felt thanks to all Arbit Choudhury fans for their support which has kept us going and has brought us to this day when Arbit has been recognized as a concept with an impact farther than Management and B-schools.

What follows here is a Press Release from the Arbit Choudhury Team related to the Award. If any one of you is interested in taking this news to the print media and needs content / material on the same or is writing an article on web-comics and needs any further content on Arbit; feel free to write to us at or our personal ids. You can find more on Arbit Choudhury website


Arbit Choudhury – World’s First MBA Comic Character wins Manthan Award 2007

Arbit Choudhury – First B School Comic Character of the world, created by the duo of Shubham Choudhury & Hemant Kumar Jain has bagged this year’s Manthan Award for India’s successful e-Content for Development 2007 on. The award was given in the e-Entertainment category giving a major boost towards the need to develop a comical sense even when engrossed in our beloved work related pursuits. The award giving ceremony was held on September 22, 2007 at IICC, New Delhi and is given annually to promote usage of ICT at the grassroots level for innovation and ultimately e-Content development in the country.

“Arbit Choudhury” is a comic character which came into minds of two people while studying in a B-School. Fed up with the same routine for two long years, they saw the funny side of it and created a comic character on their lives at campus itself. With the corporate culture seriously upon us Indians, many of the people associated with B-Schools found an echo in the activities of Arbit Choudhury. It has become very much a part of B. School corporate culture so famous the spoof has become.

The project description : Arpit Choudhury is a typical 2nd Year MBA student of a leading B-school. His life revolves around all the daily chores of an MBA. Tests, assignments, presentations, competitions, case studies, net-surfing, chatting, ctrl+C, ctrl+V are as much part of his daily routine as food, drinks, friends are. He often finds himself juggling with the concepts of strategy, logistics, marketing, finance, etc. and tries (in vain) to apply these in real life situations. His wisecracks frequently have everyone rolling in mirth. Perturbed by his penchant for blurting business balderdash, his friends jokingly call him "ARBIT" Choudhury.

He is the first international icon representing the community of MBA students and the managers across the globe who easily identify with Arbit's humorous take on the idiosyncrasies of management world. He is an icon for all MBA aspirants, MBA students and all MBA pass-outs who 'experience' Management funda's and jargon day in and day out.

The creators realized that in today's internet age, the most effective way of reaching comic fans is through e-mail and web, rather than through print media. Hence, they decided to make Arbit Choudhury a full-fledged Web-Comic. The rise of Arbit Choudhury symbolizes the coming of age of Internet marketing. Arbit Choudhury belongs to the generation of new age comic characters, who reach his fans across the world through completely online and electronic means.

About Manthan Award

The Manthan Award is organized annually to scout and recognized some of the best practices in the field of e-Content based innovations. Launched in 2004, the award is organized by New Delhi based Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), in partnership with the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS). The winners of the awards are selected based on their contributions to bridge the digital divide and address the issues of grassroots-level empowerment and development. DEF has volunteered to play its part in organizing Manthan Award annually to bring out open best ICT and e-Content practices across India, by recognizing and felicitating the innovations and take them to a higher level of excellence. The winners of Manthan Award are selected to compete for World Summit Award under the auspices of the UN ICT system.


  1. Congraltulations Arbit from a fellow Manthan awardee - for best e health content.

    warm regards

    Tushar Sampat


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