I am back ... again !

Well ... this becomes a 'Come back' post of sorts ...

It's been a long time since I blogged. The last I blogged was in April … 5 months ago.

The past 5 months have brought about changes in life.
Life changing changes I would say.

I got engaged in April and married in May.

A Rajasthan trip in June and a Honeymoon trip to in July.

And then a Job change in August with my office in Pune resulting in a city change

And finally … looking forward; September/October might just bring about a change in country too J ... Onsite project ...

Changes ! So many life changing changes

I now spend my weekdays in Pune in office & hotel and weekends in Mumbai at home. 4 nights in Pune and 3 nights in Mumbai is my weekly package .
My laptop refuses to connect to the hotel wifi in Pune and so I am completely off-line except for the 30-45 minutes window at noon when I am able to access gmail from office. (I am sooo thankful to my company for being considerate enough to make a policy to that effect J.
So the only time I get online is in these windows of time and over the weekends (when I am actually tired and don't feel like login into the internet – mail or FB or twitter or for that matter, anything).
Even my Arbit Choudhury comics work got neglected with me getting busy. Most of the times, I completed the comic strips just in time for the release and on a few occasions, it even got late. :(
In the past few months (starting April, when I got engaged); I simply got busy and hence could not spend time online … so no FB, no Twittter and no Blogging too. I have missed them all.
I recently logged into my Twitter account only to realize that I was logging in after about 125 days or so. That's a phenomenal time period on twitter I would say. 

Not that I haven't written in past few months. I did. If not anything else, I continued my recording of the books I read. The travel time in trains, the waiting time at airports, the long queues outside passport office for my wife's passport etc  ... all provided ample time to read. This year has by far been an Excellent year as far as reading fiction is concerned with me clocking an average of more than 3-4 books per month J One bad month had none while a particularly good month even had 6 books J

So now that I am back on the blogging circuit; my next few blog posts will be about the books I have read in past few months and also about the movies I saw. I am not sure I will write too much about the movies though. Might just put up the list. Might write a few lines about them. Dunno. I saw a lot of movies in theatre this year J highest being 5 in a month and the lowest being one in a month.
In fact I have seen practically 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 movies in 5 different months !! what a interesting coincidence !
Right now. Life is in a transient state. I am shuttling between Mumbai and Pune. I am waiting for a project to begin which will take me onsite to Middle East … can't be sure if it will be Dubai again or some neighboring Emirates or some other country all together like Saudi or Kuwait.
There is high probability of getting back to familiar grounds (Dubai); but then Life is always up to some tricks pulling a Joker out of its sleeve and laughing on us.

So that's what life looks like right now. Suspense in the air



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