7 in 1 : Seven Posts in One !!

hi friends ....

back again after a pretty long and eventful break .... my last appearance was also after a break ..... so i had put in all that happened in the gap ...

now that i write after almost 25 days ... a lot has happened ... so will try to key in everything i remember through my daily diary (yes .. i maintain my hard copy paper version of diary too ... ) .... this post is going to be a combined post for past 20-25 days ... so its gonna be a pretty loooooong one...... infact it is going to be a total of 7 posts in 1 ... I will put in Headings in between so that it will look like proper regular posts ... hehe ...

I was unable to blog for such a long time due to two reasons, one was being away from campus and subsequently being away from my 'dabba' (PC) ... and the other one being some sort of busy-ness .... busy not doing something special ... busy relaxing , , , busy resting ... ;-)

well ... after my last blog on November ... I went on a Diwali Vacation. I was home for the entire week. Sleeping ! Watching TV ! Lazy-ing around ! Doing nothing ! After the Diwali festivities, I was back in NITIE on monday for the regular the grind of lectures.

1. MICA , My Birth Day and Akshardham ! [ Ahmedabad ]

Over the weekend I had gone to MICA , Ahmedabad to participate in their event MICANVAS. It was a 3 day extravaganza. 19th, 20th and 21st.

Well ... here I would like to reveal that 20th Nov was my Birthday too. That was a very very lucky day for me. I participated in several games and won the First Prize in two games. In both games, Payal was my partner. In the evening, we both went out to celebrate my BDay. I had already talked to Chinni and she came with her husband. (It is surprising you dont know about Chinni ... I mean .. I have not written much about her in my posts ... well ... as of now .. understand that she is a very important person in my life ... details later ...) So my BDay turned out to be pretty eventful and lucky. Won cash prizes of 8000 (4000 each ... me and Payal . The cheques are yet to come ) It was a truly memorable day. Participating in events. having fun. Winning Prizes.

Before returning to Mumbai, i and Payal decided to spend our sunday at "Akshardham" ... and not in MICA. Akshardham is a place of education, entertainment and enlightenment. Its a monument, Exhibition Halls, Research Centre, Gardens, Amusement Parks and Food joints ! A complete family Picnic Spot besides education and peace of mind. Here are a few pics of Akshardham. For more information, you could visit the Akshardham website [ http://www.akshardham.com/ ]

The best part of the Ahmedabad trip was Celebrating my BDay with Chinni and her hubby and Payal. I gave a gift to chinni on her joining her first job. (i actually narrowed down choiice to purse or bangles and made her select ;-) Bangles were selected. On monday, when i was back in mumbai, chinni sent an sms telling me that she was wearing 'my' bangles to work. She made my day. She usually does. Thats why I love her soooo much. My cute little kid sister ;-)

Also, not to forget the huge decrese in my Mobile phone balance. i was on roaming paying almost 6 Rs. per call received. On my BDay, I received calls from several friends. Kind of received almost all of them bcoz they were calling from Office / Home / PCO - unidentifiable numbers. Those who were calling up from identified numbers, I cut the call and later called them up from a PCO so that they cud wish me ;-)) It was one of the nicest Bday in recent times !!

2. Placement Activities, Marriage and Life Partners !

Well ... back in mumbai ... in NITIE ... Placement activities had already started gaining momentum. Companies had started making their PPTs (Pre Placement Talks) ... In the next few days which followed I went through some personal family problems and a pre-process of a certain company ... well ... fortunately I was out after the second round of the process ... ;-))

During one of those days, I had a long chat with a close friend of mine, Manisha. We started a late night chat which practically went on throughout the night till 4.45 ... we were chatting for almost 5 hours on our individual views about marriage and about desires regarding our future life partner. It was a pretty detailed discussion with each one telling and defending about individual choice.

We even chatted about how we would fit in if we both were to consider each other for a marriage proposal. Kind of discussing our own compatibility with each other. hehe ... We did fit in well in several places but there were some differences in opinion too. Some fundamental ways of looking at life, career etc. I should admit, she is much smarter than I am (So I wouldn't want her as a life partner ... she would always dominate me ... heheheheh ... jus kiddin').

It was a real good discussion. Not only we came to know each other better, but also, we came to know what exactly we wanted and what all we were thinking. It also took our relationship / friendship one level higher.

3. MastishK 2004 and MastishK 2005 !

Some happenings on MastishK front also. The Co-ordinators (3) and Marketing team (3) of MastishK 2005 were 'elected'. I was personally not very happy at the way things had moved (with total disregard of my views and authority). These people had literally taken over the things and were going ahead in a manner in which i foresaw a lot of potentially dangerous problems for them in future. I had tried to explain them about it and i guess i had been successful in doing so before I had left for IIM Indore (Nov 3).

But when I returned froim MICA, I found that these guys had completely ignored and over-ruled the entire system and structure we had put in place. At that point, I decided to dis-associate completely with MastishK. I would speak only if consulted. i would not go and give them un-asked advise or guidance (I dont think they need it .. even if they do .. they don't think they need it... )

Also, finally I got the material and the funds from Prerana Team to go ahead with the MastishK Prizes which had been long since pending (almost 40 days since they were announced). I took help of the MastishK 2005 Co-ordinators and started working on the Packaging of Prize and the communication to go along with it. I designed a certificate and a letter that would accompany the prizes. The prizes work is all done NOW and the packages will be couriered today. This would complete my responsibility of MastishK 2004. Nothing would be left as far as M'04 is concerned.

Although I felt it was my responsibility to handover the responsibilities to appropriate guys and also ensure proper knowledge transfer; but after experienceing the attitude of the 'elected' team of M'05, I am absolutely un-enthusiastic about it. Anyway , MastishK was my baby and I have done my best for it. I have taken it to kinda unimaginable heights (2500 registrations, 17,500 Hits, 50 Corporates, 25 Countries, Fundoo website design, the wallpaper collection, Arbit Choudhury . . . . the list is endless ). Now, I have brought M'04 to its logical completion by doing the last bit (sending the prizes) !! Hoping for the best !!!

4. From 'Marriage and Life Partners' to 'Business Plans and Entrepreneurship' ;-)

You have already read about my discussion with Manisha regarding Marriage and compatibility. A few days later, we chanced upon another looong chat session. This time it was Business.

The chat began with her telling me that she was to meet some client and design some software for them. During the discussion I tolde her about a Business Idea I had in mind for a long time. A business idea related to developing a product for the industry. A kinda readymade software package for a specific application. Custimizable as per requirement. This discussion led to exploration of another similar concept too.

Later, she told me about another software product she was already working on along with a friend of hers. Another unique concept and business idea. As of now, these are but 'Ideas' ! Someday, if i get a chance, will try to convert these 'ideas' into business. Hope Manisha will be there to help me out in the technical aspect of the business plan ;-)

5. Arbit Choudhury : Phase II

Arbit Choudhury - India's First Ever B School Comic Character !

Launched on September 5th 2004 (Teacher's Day). And subsequent release of 19 comic strips during MastishK 2004.

"The Complete Collection of Arbit" document then emailed to mastishK participants and friends. The file got forwarded adn re-forwarded and re-re-forwarded. Not only in other B Schools but also in the corporate world. Slowly appreciation mails started pouring in. Everyone was asking for more. Everyone appreciated the initiative and encouraged us to go on with it. We (i and Shubham) realised that we could not stop here. We had to cater to this huge demand we had created. We decided to continue with Arbit.

As a first measure, we came up with a Special NITIE Edition of Arbit Choudhury comic strip. This was to be included in the NITIE Alumni Newsletter "Lakeside Musings" which is emailed every month to NITIE Alumni. Till now, the Nov and Dec issues have carried the Arbit Strip and we have promised to make it a regular feature.

At the same time, we received a mail from Mantej, an alumnus of PGDIM,NITIE. He was working at GE CIS. He asked if he could include Arbit strip in the GE CIS SCM Newsletter which was meant for Internal Circulation (strictly) within GE CIS. After an xchange of a few mails, Arbit found place in the "GE CIS SCM Newsletter".

To proceed in an organised fashion and makes things easier for us in future, when i and Shubham will have to work remotely (no one knows where our jobs will take us ); we first created an email id exclusively for Arbit [ arbit.mba@gmail.com ]. The next step was to have a proper circulation medium to send the regualr comic strips to the fan following. We created the arbit_mba Yahoo Group. If you want to become a member; use the following URL [ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arbit_mba/ ]

"The making of Arbit" document was already ready. We sent this document to all our contacts, NITIE students, MastishK registered users and all those who had sent mails of appreciation. The next few days, I have seen the Membership counter rise. It has already crossed 125. I hope it crosses the 1000 mark soon in the coming months; once we start sending regular fortnightly comic strips from Jan 1st 2005.

Also, we have planned to create and launch the Arbit Choudhury Website by mid-Jan. Also, before leaving campus, we will try to do a considerable amount of wotk on the Arbit front so that we do not have anmy problems in the future, when we start operating remotely. I and Shubham will spend almost a week after placements in campus putting things in place for Arbit.

6. Wall papers ! Aha !!

Wallpapers are a thing of beauty !! My favourite past time in pre-MastishK days was downloading absolutely beautiful and stunning wallpapers from the internet. After a long long time, I went back to a few of my favourite websites and practically downloaded hundreds of wallpapers. [ www.boyis.com ]

I have always been fascinated by the wall papers created and displayed on the net. People with such amazing graphical skills creating absolutely stunning wallpapers. Its really amazing. I will try and put in some thumbnails of some amazing wall papers in the coming posts.

I hope I get time in the coming days to download many more wallpapers before I leave campus. I am surely going to miss the luxury of 2 MBPS. I am going to miss this feel of being "online 24 X 7". I will miss the IP Messenger (a communication s/w used for communication within the campus, the reason my PC is not switched off for several days on end.) I am going to miss it all.

7. Movies, Movies 'n' Movies !!

In this module, the activity to which i have religiously and regularly devoted time is 'watching movies' ! in the last module, due to MastishK. I was awake practically throughout the nights for the entire module but hardly saw a few movies. This module (being last module in campus) I have practically seen a movie every night, sometimes two movies a day too. It was part clearing my backlog and part escapism.

Yes ... Escapism. I was actually trying to avoid and run away from my 'emptiness'. The sudden situation where I had practically nothing driving me. I was just expending time. No real goal or target to achieve. Not that I did not have things to do. It was just that I was probably not emotionally ready to take up new challenges. The emotional set backs in the past 3/4 months had been too many and too severe for me.

Nevertheless ... Movies was the one thing I have been doing the entire module. Also, burned many movies onto CD's. Have burned lotsa CD's in the past month. Movies, Resources, E Books Collections, Prersonal Files etc.

Well . . . I guess here the 7-in-1 grand post of mine comes to an end.

We are having our Final Module Exams from Dec 20th to Dec 24th. And after that, the Placement Process will be at its highest momentum. We will be practically spending the entire day in Blazers, sitting either in the audi attending PPT's or in some or the other class room, undergoing pre-process of some or the other company. I will try to come back to the blog and put in some thoughts or happenings of my life. The placement process is expected to wrap up by Jan 10th. If not earlier, i will surely be back by then. With a job in my hand and (probably) joy in my heart. I am looking for a good job in Mumbai !! Pray for me.

Till the next post . . . Keep smiling and have a nice day ....

. . . shoOOonya . . .

You can send in your comments / wishes to hemantkumarjain@gmail.com !


  1. Aksharadham looks and sounds nice....have never been to Ahmedabad, but if I do, will surely visit it....


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