
Showing posts from September, 2024


  Good advice for building Wealth and Financial Freedom. Just one difference of opinion though. DON'T SACRIFICE FUN  ... Optimize it.  In my coaching experience, over the years,  I have found that many people sacrifice FUN  to a significant level, leading somewhat boring lives, while  having a good amount of money invested or in bank / invested.  (I have myself been guilty of being the boring husband, boring dad)  Not an ideal situation.  Not even a situation you want for yourself. You are forgetting what you are actually earning for.  If the above visual had to be a warning,  I would rewrite it and change that to  "Don't go overboard with FUN" 🤓 That's the other extreme.  Many people driven by FOMO and YOLO,  want to have all the fun of their life early on  and are constantly exhausting their earnings  and savings for entertainment and 'experiences'  that they can flaunt to friends or on social media.  People even take personal loans to fund vacations. 

Don't let 'escape from 9to5' be the reason for your entrepreneurial dreams

  Don't let 'escape from 9to5' be the reason for your entrepreneurial dreams.  This message is for all 'employees'  who want to become Entrepreneurs  Employees give their 9to6  or 9to9 for 5 to 6 days a week.  Entrepreneurs give 24X7. Period.  They even dream about their business  Employees sometimes have a 'bad boss'  Entrepreneurs are the BOSS .. good, bad, ugly  they can be whatever .. but they are The BOSS.  (And bosses are invariably subject of hate) Employees blame their Managers for their situation  (increments, work-life balance, appraisals, etc)  Entrepreneurs have no one else to blame.  They are the ultimate decision-makers  for themselves and for others too.  These days, you see a disproportionate amount  of 9to5 Job Bashing and over- glorification of the Entrepreneur.  The grass seems not only green  but neon green on the other side.  BUT the reality is far from expectations.  For every successful startup,  there are 99 that fail badly and  shut

Of Forgiveness, Community Gatherings, and Celebrations

  Of Forgiveness, Community Gatherings, and Celebrations: Their Relevance to the Corporate World Last weekend, we concluded the 8-day Jain festival Paryushan, and commenced the 10-day festivals of Ganesh Chaturthi and Onam, marking seasons of forgiveness, community, and celebration. Paryushan doesn’t have a greeting like "Happy Paryushan." Instead, we say "Michchami Dukkadam," seeking forgiveness for any hurt caused in the past year. The festival has elements of full or partial fasting and community bonding. Similarly, Ganesh Chaturthi and Onam foster unity and gratitude. These festivals highlight the core values that are equally significant for personal life as well as corporate world. In our fast-paced, often virtual work environments, the corporate 'community / team' gatherings hold transformative potential. Forgiveness is not about others but about clearing your own mental space, letting go of grudges that can poison professional relationships.  Forgive,

Nobody has achieved Mastery

  "Nobody has achieved mastery.  I, at least, am very far from it.  But that is exactly the joy of it.  To keep working towards chasing that goal.  Starting from zero again and again, trusting the process,  and then feeling that exhilarating joy when  the pieces of the puzzle fit together  and the audience roars  with laughter again"  Said @Papa CJ in reply to my comment on his post.  And just like that, some golden wisdom nuggets  were dropped in a LinkedIn conversation.  All through August, I was writing about  Myths around Life & Career Transformation.  One myth: Transformation is a destination.  The reality instead is that it is a Journey  and hopefully, a never ending Journey.  To look at it in another way,  Transformation is a series of  dynamic moving goal-posts that  we keep creating and moving as we keep achieving our goals along the way.  To become the best version of yourself is a continuous journey of discovering  what the new best version of yourself is.  Hen