I have been reading quite a bit of non-fiction in past 1.5 months. All this non-fiction that I am reading is trapped in MS Word Docs and Powerpoint presentations – in short, it is all purely work related. This reading oscillates between boring and exciting as I find some parts interesting/exciting while the others are not exactly boring but they just bounce off my head (rather than seeping in and getting absorbed. This all reminds me of my study days (School / College / Engineering / MBA). I don't have an HR background. I did my Engineering and then worked for an IT company, got laid off during the post-Y2K 'IT industry' tumble of 2001, ran my training start-up for some time before doing my MBA from NITIE (which is not known for HR specialization, btw). Then I joined Satyam and did Org. Change Mgmt Consulting for 5 years before joining Fujitsu Consulting India (doing the same). Now that I am in KPMG, I am supposed to become an all-rounder HR Consultant /...